Evaluation q.4 TECHNOLOGY

I have presented my response to Question 4 on the use of new technologies as a series of images and posts as I have a key amount of visual detail to reference too.



I have found it very useful as another medium to present my ideas. Here is an example of how I have used Xtranormal to present my brief on our researched band- Foster The People. 


For the start of my A2 Media Project, I bought myself a MacBook Pro laptop. It has been a major advantage to me this year as I have been able to work along with my partner outside school time which meant we always had access particularly in construction stages.


Online magazines were invaluable to my research. I checked several music online magazines each week and the NME everyday. They not only informed me about music news but about technology as well: evolving technology for advertising and the music industry: I was able to watch snippets of videos very easily, see online magazine advertising and keep up to date with current music media trends - Q's online magazine was very good for media trends but did not update on a daily basis so it was harder to keep up with evolving technology news.

The Times online journal has been very useful and I have discovered some vital information across the technology and culture pages.


My chosen band and most others use blogs as well as the other Web 2.0 platforms, giving information in another form. I looked at Foster The People's use of a blog as a means of communicating and interacting with their audience. It gave information about the band which helped considerably with my research.


Twitter has been a very useful tool acting as a social media that I can use to communicate with friends, teachers, other members of my class/group and other institutions. Although I mainly use Twitter as a way of following band members, groups and it is a very resourceful direct source for picking up news.

I have followed several bands and institutions including chief examiner Pete Fraser as he provides up-to-date media guidelines as part of my research, using these groups to find up-to-the-minute information.

Twitter has flourished since many more people have smartphones, like Blackberry and iPhone because tweets can come in like texts so people are constantly abreast of the news feeds. They can also investigate interesting tweets immediately by accessing the internet on their smartphone. There is a new development in Twitter that follows trends and peaks of interest in certain areas by use of a hash code to draw attention to a particular word or phrase - this made it easier to find current media trends within my research. 


I have used YouTube as the start point in my research looking up music videos to build my research and analyse across a wide range of music video genre's following Andrew Goodwin's Codes and Conventions of a music video.

YouTube has been extremely useful because its gives a suggestion after watching music videos which has allowed me to explore further and find other interesting videos that I might not have heard about before.

Furthermore, YouTube was a crucial tool in receiving feedback for our first draft of the music video as it allowed the public to view our music video and provide comments that they could post underneath our video and even 'like' or 'dislike' it.


Dagadop is an extremely useful tool as it allows you to search for another video without interrupting the current one you are watching. I have used Dagadop to build up my research for music video, creating a playlist of videos that we took influence from.


MySpace is a traditional platform for musicians to provide access for fans to explore further for example- photos, tour dates, music, videos and general band promotion. In fact Myspace scored 3 numbers 1s for Arctic Monkeys and My Chemical Romance who used MySpace as their distribution.


I have found it very useful as another medium to present my ideas. Here is an example of how I have used Xtranormal to present my brief on our researched band- Foster The People. 


SlideShare is a Web 2.0 based service that allows you to upload a file format from PowerPoint, PDF, Keynote or OpenOffice presentations. I like using SlideShare because I believe its layout is clear when presenting information for example with call sheets, research analysis etc.

Main attraction, allowing you to embed your presentations onto to my blog. I have presented all my call sheets as a slideshare and included my final draft of the treatment as well because its very clear and organised!


Prezi's are an interactive, storytelling tool used for exploring and sharing ideas upon a virtual canvas. It is a very diverse programme, which allows you to embed videos, songs, pictures and documents when sharing your thoughts. 

I have been very attracted to Prezis and I have produced a few throughout my project that you can view here: (link prezis)



Both my partner and I work on MacBooks and we both have access to FaceTime, which is very useful tool for setting up conference calls with each other when working from home. 


Everynote is an app that I have download from the App Store on my macbook pro. Evernote is crucial in planning as it help you to remember and act upon ideas, projects and experiences across all the computers, phones and tablets you use as you can login in online to your account. 

I have used evernote throughout my project for example taken from this screenshot is the planning and preparation for the construction of our Digipack design.


I found adding notes onto my desktop was a very clear and methodical form to plan my media project as well as adding reminders in the form of a simple 'To Do list' for the weeks to make sure I completed the sufficient amount of work to keep in with my deadlines for the project.


Email was very useful in communicating ideas to each other during the planning and particularly the construction stages of our project. It was very useful in sharing files between each other in swift communication saving the trouble of delaying the precious hours at school to share files.


I use my phone to great use as a portable device away from the computer. I use my blackberry which is a 3g device to access my emails, Facebook, twitter, online resources. Finally, its very useful because all my group/band members own a blackberry device, very similar to mine and I can communicate with them over an instant messaging tool called BlackBerry Messenger, which is...



I used a Nikon D3100 Digital SLR camera for filming the footage for our music video as well gaining the still to use for our stop frame animation and shots for parts of our digi-pack and my magazine advert.

However by the end of our assignment, the media department bought a new camera (Canon 550d) which similar to was my own camera was an SLR; however the general quality and the fact that it could capture at 1080p HD was the reason for using it for our studio shoot. It was a 
The school media department was also able to provide a fish-eye lens which we used for added effect in some of the studio scenes to give a more innovative arty effect.


Adobe Premiere Pro was the software we used to edit our footage in order to finalise and construct our music video. In fact this software is professional industry standard meaning that we had huge access to a wide range of possibilities when editing our music video that you wouldn't have with for example iMovie 11. I found it was very complex at very sight to work with but using a number of tutorials online for example http://www.lynda.com/Premiere-Pro-CS5-tutorials/essential-training/59974-2.html and fellow students help, which gave me enough resources and an understanding to work with the software.


During the editing stages of our film, we were very lucky to have access to Adobe After Effects, which allows you to create motion graphics and add visual effects to a professional standard. We used After Effects to strong effect throughout our music video for example during the opening scene with the vinyl- the changing colours were added, as the vinyl was spinning, we also adjusted the lighting levels and enhanced the saturation in the some of the particular scenes to give off a more aesthetic/phsychedlic setting. 


I used photoshop as part of editing the digipack and my magazine cover. I also used it to great use when adjusting the colours on the keyboard scene.


We used Logic Pro to cut and edit the timings of our song because we felt the song was too long for us to support our storyboard. I felt it was important that we had a high quality version of the song so we brought the song used for our video off the iTunes music store. I was very fortunate that my partner was a music technology student because he had a complete understanding on how to use Logic Pro and cut the track down to a suitable length based on a group decision.  The process was relatively straight forward furthermore as we loaded it into Adobe Premiere Pro on my laptop, laying down our track for the visuals to structure around. 


During the post-production stages in our project me and my partner seeked advice from experts working on Adobe After Effects, much to our amaze, we discovered that QuickTime had the function to ‘screen record’.

This was extremely useful when learning and producing more technical effects on Adobe After Effects.

iPhoto 11

iPhoto is used for storing all my footage for my music video in an organised layout where i can organise by dates which is easy to access. iPhoto also stored all my photos that have taken for  my magazine advert and digi-pack shots.

iMovie 11

I used iMovie 11 to import my strop frame animation shots and piece together the separate frames into a sequence and exporting as a .mov file. I used iMovie because the software is much more simple and quick to use rather than Adobe Premiere Pro. 

I also used iMovie 11 to export my movie on to YouTube because it was a direct and fast method to upload and it retained the 720p quality that was lost uploading the music video any other way.



YouTube is the main platform for marketing and distributing a video so me and my partner uploaded our video onto YouTube for feedback, to build up a following and also make adjustments to our footage according to public response.


Facebook was very useful for obtaining feedback: I was able to get feedback on video footage, different font choices for my print products and the design of the print products themselves. I also shared a Prezi on my newsfeed for people to view.



Together me and my partner used Garageband on my macbook to record the voiceover narration for Question 1. I thought it was a relatively straight forward and easy process considering my relative inexperience to the software but I thought the quality of the sound was loud and clear and it was easy to chop and change where we wanted the voice overs to go. In fact we were able to place the audio tracks and layer them wherever we wanted around our music video as garageband allows you to bring to layer the video so you can see where all the tracks are getting layered.